AUGH! I could probably just post that word and it would be sufficient. Mondays in junior high are terrible, for the most part. Every now and then, we are surprised by a Monday with students who remember their homework, manage their books and supplies, get to the right classes without bumrushing someone in the hallway, and speak respectfully to their teachers. But that happens about as often as that blue moon thing.
This is conference week; we'll start on Wednesday. Suddenly the grades on-line are important. Suddenly we are wondering what can be done to raise this and that. I'm at a loss. There is no easy answer to this situation. If I post grades every night (which I do) and post homework on Edmodo every day (which I almost always do) then I should be able to expect that others will look at what I have done and that consequences will follow. But... I... guess... not! So I'm going home.
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