Friday, November 05, 2010

Kind Kids

I love it when my students do good things. Yesterday one of the 8th grade girls had a birthday. She's been in this school since she was three! The balloons and treats and posters and screaming and singing---pandemonium!

In the middle of a party, one of my 7th grade students, who happens to need an extra level of compassionate attention, got all teary. He is a new student this year and his birthday was the second week of school. No one knew him well enough to say Happy Birthday let alone go crazy over his special day. He simply could not let go of the idea that all this jubilation was going on and no one even thought to say anything nice to him six weeks ago. He was pretty miserable all day yesterday.

When G and J realized what was happening with this special guy, they got their heads together, designed a big birthday card, decorated his locker with balloons and posters, greeted him at the door this morning with all their classmates, had candies, popcorn and cookies hidden in his locker, and then sang to him at lunch. He was so happy. It is very difficult for him to truly know how to respond to people but he was happy all day long.

Teaching students like G and J make it all worthwhile. Good work ladies!

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