Friday, March 04, 2011

Next Blog Button

Have you done it? Clicked the next blog>> tab at the top of the blog page? I do this frequently, especially if I am tired - like tonight. I learned that I could read Italian. The fact that I'm pretty fluent in French helps I'm sure, that and I've had six or seven years of Spanish... they're all rather related. Anyway, it's fun. Sometimes you may fall into something really weird. There's some odd cult activity out there! Sometimes you go from one new mom blog to another but quite often you will stumble upon something interesting. I've bookmarked a few that I've stumbled on... I honestly don't know all the people I follow, not at all. But what they write interests me and sometimes, that's all I need - a quiet place with a teeny bit of intellectual challenge, nothing too demanding. But I really am tired so I think I'll skip reading and try sleeping!

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