Sunday, May 01, 2011

Where were you?

On the morning of 9-11, I headed to Miami International Airport with my friend, Jennifer Paultre, who had just spent a couple days with us. I dropped her at the departure area and drove back to SW Miami to the grocery store. I was shopping when the news came over the intercom that the United States was under attack. A few moments later my cell phone rang, and Jennifer asked me to come pick her up. She would not be able to go home to Haiti for a week! Tonight, I had our television on a music station as I read an e-book. After finishing the book, I opened my facebook page to entry after entry: Osama bin Laden was dead. I switched to my MSNBC bookmarked page, "Justice has been done, Obama says" and he was right. Flipping on the TV, I watched our president deliver a carefully crafted speech. He needed to say it right. And he nailed it! He was firm, righteous, and articulate as he used his God-given gift of public speaking to present the details to the country and the world. I was in Miami, FL when the towers collapsed. Ten years later, I am in Olympia, WA, when the perpetrator was brought to justice. Ten years, oh my.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

thought the speech was spot-on as well. 9/11 memories/reflections are crowding my thoughts as well. hope you have a good week!