Monday, April 05, 2010

Spring Break!

I am a teacher and I love Spring Break! I love that it always comes after the third quarter and after report card information is turned in. It's so nice knowing that it's done and doesn't have to be revisited after Break. As much as I try to avoid it, I am always ready to start the countdown after Spring Break. Every year I tell myself that it isn't going to happen this year... and every year, I count the days.

This Spring Break is not starting out well. I scheduled my dental cleaning for today, Monday morning of Spring Break. I happened to break a filling in a front tooth so I made a two-hour appointment, clean and repair tooth. No biggie... except I didn't know I had other cavities. I hate that! Now I have to spend Tuesday morning at the dentist as well! Augh!!! Those cavities (2 little ones that will require my morning to be invaded!) were hiding behind two old fillings, located side-by-side in two different teeth.

Hmmm... are our lives like that? Hiding behind old wounds are older wounds? Does dealing with the sin that I see sometimes lead to another that has been hidden in the depths of my heart for far too long? Does a problem ignored become a life issue that requires serious intervention? I do know this, if I don't sacrifice my Tuesday morning and get those cavities fixed, they'll just grow and spread until they cause me pain. Right now they are small and insignificant. I need to treat my sins, my hurts, my problems in the same way... deal with them while they are small and manageable! I wish it was as easy as sitting an hour in the dentist chair while he works. It certainly takes much longer but I do need to sit, quietly, to rest at the feet of the One who is more than capable of doing the necessary repairs on my life. And quite often, the quiet time together results in a prescription received, something I have to do, change, maybe avoid. I need to just do it. I trust the dentist to fix my teeth; I need to truly trust the Lord to repair and manage my life.

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